2018 Annual Water Quality Reports Now Available

The 2019 Annual Water Quality reports for each of the PUD's water systems are now available here. Click on each of the water district names for that district's report. Read More

Stage 2 Water Conservation Alert Clallam Bay/Sekiu, Upper Fairview, & Island View Systems

PUD #1 of Clallam County (PUD) is requesting that water utility customers in the following systems begin voluntary water conservation measures due to the expanded drought emergency declaration announced by Washington State Governor Jay Inslee. This is a Stage 2 Response from the District’s Drought Response Plan. (Click on the links for the full news release) Clallam Bay/Sekiu Upper Fairview Island View Information on the District's water systems and location can be found here. The objective of the Stage 2… Read More

Olympic Snowpack Concerns – Water Saving Tips You Can Use Now

The Peninsula daily News recently ran an article on the Olympic Mountains snowpack. This is something to pay attention to. It is possible that we may have to issue a Stage 2 drought alert if the Governor declares a drought emergency for the Olympic Peninsula, or, if the snow is gone by the end of the month. At that stage it is voluntary but it could herald later mandatory water restrictions. Click here for water saving tips and resources. Read More

Community Solar Participation Agreements to be Accepted Beginning April 15, 2019.

PUD #1 of Clallam County (Clallam PUD) will begin accepting paid participation agreements for the purchase of units of its community solar installation, expected to begin production in late 2019. The project, to be sited at 410 E. Washington St. in Sequim, WA, will be a 30kW project consisting of approximately 96 panels and estimated to produce up to 32,000 kWh annually over 25 years. The proposed project was presented to the PUD Board of Commissioners on March 25. A… Read More

Area Door-to-door Solicitations Are Not PUD Employees

The PUD has received calls from customers stating that someone is going door-to-door handing out information related to the PUD’s advanced meter project and handing out opt-out forms. Due to the increasing number of scams that utilities are experiencing, we appreciate that our customers have taken heed to the advice to question anyone representing the PUD who is not officially a PUD employee. The PUD has not endorsed any such activity and it is not PUD employees conducting the door-to-door… Read More

Cold Temperatures Impact Winter Bills

We haven’t had a string of days this cold in quite some time and cold temperatures have an impact on our winter bills. Keep in mind that your home heating system is having to work that much harder to maintain the temperature in your home, compared to the temperature outside. If winter bills are a significant concern of yours, consider our Average Payment Plan that annualizes your energy usage into equal monthly payments to spread out the cost over the… Read More

Clallam PUD Prepared for Local Disaster with Emergency Response Plan

With the outages we experienced in December, and ongoing statewide education about the potential for a major Cascadia earthquake event, you might be wondering what the PUD has done to plan for such an event.  The PUD rolled out its Emergency Response and Restoration Plan (ERRP) in a presentation to all employees at the end of August, in conjunction with a presentation by Jim Buck on the Cascadia Subduction Zone and preparing for a major earthquake event.  The ERRP is the result… Read More

Clallam PUD Initiates Proposal to Create a Community Solar-Powered Micro-grid Demonstration Project

The 1st quarter Hot Line customer newsletter is hitting mailboxes this week. In it, we announce a new community solar project for which we are almost ready to start selling units. While this is exciting in and of itself, the community solar is one of three components proposed as part of a greater demonstration project. In October of 2018, the PUD announced that it had submitted an application to the Washington Department of Commerce (Commerce) proposing a community solar-powered electric vehicle… Read More

Beware of Scams!

The following information bears repeating as we have been notified there is a new round of scam phone calls being made: The PUD reminds customers about potential scams that may be committed over the phone, through mailers, via text messages and by people visiting their home or business. Criminals use various means of solicitation and may claim bills are delinquent, that special funding is available and/or seek financial information from the customer. Both commercial and residential customers in the PUD's… Read More

Improved Business Hours to Begin January 2, 2019

In order to provide customers greater and more efficient access to services during the early morning and lunch high traffic times, PUD office hours are changing January 2, 2019. Hours at PUD customer service offices will be as follows: Carlsborg Main Office                                                7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Port Angeles (Country Aire) Payment Office      8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. (Closed 12:30 – 1:00 for lunch) Forks Office                                                                7:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Sekiu Office                                                                8:30 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.… Read More