Opt Out Programs
The District’s AMI meter opt-out program is based on the actual costs incurred for the manual processes involved for PUD employees to manage these programs. The meter used for a customer who opts out of an advanced or remote-read meter will be a digital meter without the remote-read component. If requested, and available, the District will provide an electromechanical (analog) meter with a monthly upcharge (per meter) that covers the necessary periodic calibration and testing maintenance. For opt-out customers with multiple electric meters, or with both a PUD electric and water meter, the opt-out fee shall be assessed per service address, provided that the same account holder is named on all accounts. The opt-out fee(s) will be billed per the current Schedule of Deposits & Charges (costs are subject to change as the Schedule of Deposits and Charges changes). An access appointment fee may be assessed if the change request is occurring outside of regular route maintenance.
The PUD will read the meter every other month, estimating the months in between, and the customer will be charged a monthly opt-out fee. There is an monthly upcharge (per meter) if electromechanical (analog) is requested.
If at any time an opt-out customer disconnects their account or falls within any of the below exceptions, the PUD will return the service to a remote-read or advanced meter. The opt-out program shall be available to all customers except for the following:
- Customers who participate in services or optional rates that require advanced metering (e.g. Net Metering and Pre-Pay);
- Customers who are found to tamper with the meter or cut the meter seal;
- Customers who have poly-phase service or are served by a demand meter;
- Any field trip made to the location to disconnect for nonpayment;
- Locations enrolled in the Continuous Service program for landlords. Continuous service allows an account owned by a tenant to revert back into the landlord’s name in the event of a vacancy;
- Customers who violate the Facilities Access Policy.
No monthly fees will be assessed until your route is scheduled for the advanced meter upgrade unless your meter is currently on an existing fully automated remote-read route. The analog meter fee will be implemented immediately as that upcharge is to cover ongoing calibration and maintenance.
Remote-Read or Advanced Meter Opt Out Form
If you currently have an opt-out form on file with us and have reconsidered your options because you would like to take advantage of what advanced meters have to offer, such as more accurate bills, limited need for PUD to access your property, enhanced outage assessment and restoration, and reduced carbon footprint, you may submit a Remote-read or Advanced Meter Opt In Form to cancel your opt-out selection and receive a remote-read or advanced meter.